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The turning point in knowledge-based decision making

26. november 2020 kl. 09:00 - 09:30

Arrangør: Geoforum Finland

Finland har endelig fått etablert sitt eget Geoforum – og de starter med gratis webinar om “location intelligence”, med foredrag fra Finland, Sverige og Norge.


Data is needed for effective decision making in all organizations. The global pandemic has been a clear turning point – now more than ever there is a need for up-to-date data.

When this data is generated into location intelligence, it can help, for example, to keep people safe, enable organizations to prepare for seasonal changes, and aid in communication between municipalities, companies, and citizens.

In this 30-minute webinar, Tuuli Toivonen, professor of geoinformatics at the University of Helsinki and two Telia’s location intelligence experts Tiia Palvimo and Tero Särkiniemi will discuss:

What is location intelligence and what opportunities does it provide for cities, municipalities and other organizations?
How can location intelligence help to prepare for and act in crisis situations?
Which organizations and companies can benefit from location intelligence solutions?

Attendance is cost-free!

