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Nordic webinar on BIM-GIS

26. mai 2021 kl. 09:30 - 10:30

Arrangør: GI Norden

GI Norden welcomes you to a webinar on the use of BIM and GIS in nordic municipalities. Is the use, challenges and possibilities with the technology the same across the nordic countries? Join this webinar and learn from your colleagues in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway!


09.30: Welcome by Juha Saarentaus, Geoforum Finland

09.35:  Virtual Gothenburg. The presentation will focus on the City of Gothenburg’s future digital twin, Virtual Gothenburg. The digital twin will serve all processes in the city with relevant information and act as a platform for planning, monitoring and maintenance, and also, a future open testbed for innovation. The testbed will have to be based on new business models in collaboration with the industry, the market and the society, for the common benefits of the digital twin. Eric Jeansson, Municipality of Gothenburg

09:50: Digital tools in municipal planning processes and implementation of sustainability goals: status of current research projects in Ålesund. Andreas will talk about how the Municipality of Ålesund is working together with academic institutions and the private sector to develop digital tools that support planning processes and implementation of Sustainable Development Goals. We will present results from two on-going projects covering such diverse topics as land-use, mobility, green infrastructure and how we can use Digital Twins and other technologies to provide better decision support. Andreas Amundsen, Municipality of Ålesund

10:05: The use of GIS and information modeling in planning processes and CIM based design. Johanna Palomaki, Municipality of Espoo

10:20: Aarhus Municipality’s 3D city model. The 3D city model was made from a GIS starting point, with focus on georeferencing. The building stock in Aarhus municipality is eternally changeable and the 3D city model reflects this through continuously updates. The presentation will also give a brief overview of the different types of software used in connection with the 3D city model and show exchange of data and models with architects, builders and similar. Lasse Gade Pedersen, Municipality of Aarhus

10:35: Questions, discussion


The webinar will be free of charge for all participants.

GI Norden is a Nordic network within geodata and GIS.

Register for the webinar (via ZOOM)

The webinar starts at 09.30 (GMT+2:00)

