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GI Norden webinar on Urban innovations

22. november 2023 kl. 14:00 - 15:30


GI Norden webinar on Urban innovations

Date: Wednesday Novemer 22th, 2023

Platform: online (Livehouse)

Registration: Livehouse

Due to different time zones the webinar starts in Iceland at 12:00pm (GMT), in Sweden, Denmark and Norway at 2:00pm (GMT+1, summer time), and in Finland at 3:00pm (GMT+2, summer time).

Free for everyone! Registration required: Nordic webinar on the metaverse | Geoforum

About the webinar:

Hear more about new knowledge about urban innovations and smart cities from the Nordic countries and how best to apply them. An occasion to explore next generation strategies for discovering and understanding the new technology that will drive society forward. Listen to new urban innovation and smart cities for future urban models. It is already revolutionizing both society and business. Good examples of the smart and sustainable society of the future.

Metaverse for citizen dialogue and co-creative processes – How can virtual meetings strengthen citizen dialogue?

Metaverse is a virtual reality where digital technology makes it possible to experience things that today require physical presence. It can be used to show and tell about complex structures and to create an overview and understanding of the abstract. The consulting company Around the corner has collaborated with Sweco in a project that explored how a virtual citizen dialogue and co-creation process could work. The goal of the project is to improve conversations and meetings between citizens, municipal representatives, and planners regarding plans in community building. Share experiences and lessons learned from the project and learn more about how metaverse can create opportunities for better dialogue and understanding.
