Interaktive kart med såkalte points of interest har en spennende utvikling. Universitetet i Bonn ønsker tilbakemeldinger i forbindelse med en doktorgradsstudie.
Hi everyone,
my name is Sven Gedicke and I am a member of the Geoinformation group. As part of my PhD, I am working on the development of interactive maps for the exploration of map content, such as different points of interest (POIs). In this context, I am currently conducting an online user study to compare different interactive maps. In order to reach a large number and range of participants, I would be happy if you participate in the study. You are also welcome to share the study with your circle of acquaintances. The study takes about 10 minutes to complete and can be found via the following link: http://www.geoinfo.uni-bonn.de/study-zoomless
I am happy about every participant. Thank you very much in advance!
Best regards
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan-Henrik Haunert
Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation
University of Bonn, Germany